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Winter Blues

I keep hearing people tell me how tired they are and that they do not know why. Before thinking you are having serious health issues, get your vitamin D checked. Your body makes vitamin D when the skin is exposed directly to the sun not through a window. Living here (Oregon) is a real issue during the winter months. If you live in an area that has a long cloudy season then you might want to check your vitamin D levels. The Vitamin D Council suggests that a level of 50 ng/ml is the level to aim for. You can order a blood test on their website if you would like. The site is to learn more.

Get some exercise too, many of my clients say they are tired and even gained weight. When I ask them about how much exercise they did in summer and what are they doing now we find a big difference. "But the weather is crappy, I cannot get out!" I am here to give you some ideas to get you off your bottom.

Walk around the indoor mall.

Go up and down your stairs in your home.

Do yoga on an app or Netflix.

Chase your kids around the house, you know play tag!

Rake leaves, or do other yard work to clean up the winter mess.

Swimming at the local indoor pool.

And here is the last bit of advise try not to get hooked on the quick comfort foods!! Make veggie trays and hummus to have on hand. Put the nacho's down!!

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